Friday, February 18, 2011

2/18/2011 --- Sick But Resistant (Or Not?)

current weight: 150
goal weight: 110

I'm getting worse with my sickness. Like, I'm actually feeling it now instead of just coughing and sneezing. I probably need to drink more water. It's amazing how I can have like 400 calories in just one day through juices and milk, and I don't drink that much! Eesh. I have less of an apetite though... I hope that means no munching out of boredom.

cup of orange juice -- 110 cals
banana -- 100 cals

lettuce salad (dry) -- 20  cals
cup of cranberry juice -- 120 cals 
lasagna -- 320 cals


pringles -- 150
carb smart icecream popsicle -- 120
fruit smoothie -- 320
apple -- 60

total//: 1,320 cals

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